BCP launches Mapulanga as Chobe prospective candidate

04 Jun 2024

Botswana Congress Party (BCP) has launched Mr Oscar Mapulanga as its prospective parliamentary candidate for Chobe Constituency.

Officially launching the candidate, BCP president Mr Dumelang Saleshando appealed to Chobe electorates to vote its candidate to Parliament because he remained loyal to Chobe even after losing the last elections in 2019. He said Mapulanga was a visionary leader who had been actively involved in trade unions and supporting football teams in Chobe.

Mr Saleshando said out of the five North West region seats being Chobe, Maun East, Maun West, Ngami and Okavango, Chobe constituency was the only one not under opposition hence the need to recapture  it back to BCP. He said the party was well ahead of all other parties having released their manifesto ahead of the elections outlining policies and vision for a BCP led Botswana.

Mr Saleshando said BCP’s stance on the Constitution Amendment Bill was that the clause to the right to work should rather be the right to decent work so that all Batswana could have employment of substance that sustained their lives.

“As BCP we want to build an economy that pays nothing less than P4 000 and improve conditions of service for workers in every sector so that all workers have access to basic benefits like health insurance.”

Kazungula Newstance ward councilor Simasiku Matengu said BCP had commenced its political campaign therefore called on electorates to exercise their right and vote in general elections. He said there was high unemployement in and many depended Chobe on the limited natural resources that generated income through community trusts.

He said it was time to open other avenues of wealth creation in Chobe instead of depending on tourism only.

Mr Matengu described Mr Mapulanga as a hard-worker and dedicated leader passionate about bringing change and cultivating growth in Chobe.

Mr Mapulanga said his roadmap put emphasis on service delivery to ensure people of Chobe had access to services and resources to improve their livelihoods. He said his political journey started in 2002 and had since remained devoted to advancing the interest of people even without being elected to parliament.

He advocated that it was time for Chobe District to have a senior secondary school so that children don’t go as far as Nata and Masunga for higher learning.

Furthermore he asked voters to elect him so that he continued to strongly advocate for a hospital in Chobe which he said had been on the pipeline for many years but failing to come to fruition.

He said there was need for fairness in appointment of board members sitting in government organisations and parastatals.

Mr Mapulanga promised he would continue to lobby for the review of compensation for human wildlife conflict victims as it currently was low compared to the damages caused by animals. A total of eight candidates were launched under BCP for the council ward seats in Chobe constituency. ENDS

Source : BOPA

Author : Portia Ikgopoleng

Location : KASANE -

Event : Launch

Date : 04 Jun 2024