Major projects at preliminary stages of implementation

28 Feb 2024

 Preliminary stages of implementation of major projects being the 25km Molepolole internal roads, construction of fully fledged primary schools in Lekgwapheng, Legonono and Kopong have started.

Addressing Kweneng District Full Council meeting on Monday, the Council Chairperson, Mr Allen Jacob, said through the ministry of transport and public works, government has engaged DEVMCO as the development manager to implement these projects.

“We have been in engagement with the development manager to verify the scope of our targeted proposed roads while construction of primary schools is currently at design stage”, he said.

Mrt Jacob said government wanted to employ local contractors to design and construct such infrastructure, hence the development manager was given mandate to procure such contractors for project implementation.

He said the same development manager has been assigned to implement Molepolole bypass road. The project implementation model would make it possible for technical teams at local authority and the district commissioner’s office working together to deliver on such projects.

Mr Jacob said Molepolole started receiving water from Gamononyane-Molepolole NSC II water connection project on 3rd November 2023. The objective of the project was to provide bulk water supply to Molepolole and surrounding villages, a move which forms part of the long-term interventions to address Molepolole’s 20 year horizon water demand of 18 million liters daily.

He said Gamononyane-Molepolole NSC water connection project consisted of four major supply nodes; Molepolole-Thebephatshwa Airbase, Gamodubu and Kopong-Lentsweletau node. So far, he said, only Molepolole-Thebephatshwa and Gamodubu supply nodes have beneficial use of water from the NSC, while Kopong-Lentsweletau was at testing and commissioning stage. He added that following the improvement of water supply to Molepolole, Water Utilities Corporation was able to fully assess challenges besieging the existing distribution network.

“Since the commissioning of the NSC connection, WUC has realized several challenges, particularly in the older parts of Molepolole. The challenges range from pipes with inadequate pressure ratings, lime blockages and persistent pipe failure at lower lying areas”.

Mr Jacob said because of the age of the water distribution network which can be traced as far back as 1995 and beyond, pipe failures were persistent in lower altitude areas. The corporation had therefore deployed resources to the village to address short-term challenges which included attending to bursts, upgrading of some small diameter pipelines, and replacement of corroded pipes, re-zoning, and removal of blockages.

He said so far, blockage removal had been achieved at Magokotswane, Suping, Lekgwapheng, and Mokgopeetsane where calcified lime was cleared. Areas not yet fully recovered included Kgosing, Ntloolengwae, Goo-Thato, Mokgalo, Lephaleng, Boswelakoko and Borakalalo. Mr Jacob said accessibility in some areas was a challenge as existing pipelines traverse through residential plots or passages meant for services have been blocked. ends

Source : BOPA

Author : Booster Mogapi


Event : council meeting

Date : 28 Feb 2024