Polling officers survive road accident

24 Oct 2014

An accident involving six polling officers including the driver did not disrupt the voting process at Marabane lands polling station within Losilakgokong-Kotolaname as none of them sustained injuries.The ward falls under Thamaga-Kumakwane constituency.

The polling officers were travelling from Thamaga to Marabane lands and are reportedly doing well even though they initially experienced some shock.

Meanwhile a heavy down pour at Mosokotso lands halted the voting process late this afternoon compelling the extension of voting hours to 9pm.

Five voters registered to vote at Ramaphatle primary school did not appear on the voters roll. Among them, two voters’ names appeared in two different polling stations within the constituency.  However, they were able to vote after the IEC resolved the matter. The other voters were still being assisted by the IEC. Ends

Source : BOPA

Author : Lindi Morwaeng

Location : THAMAGA

Event : Elections

Date : 24 Oct 2014