Ketlogetswe takes office as Chief Justice

19 Jan 2025

Justice Gaolapelwe Ketlogetswe is the new Chief Justice, taking over from Justice Terrence Rannowane who stepped down on medical grounds.

President Advocate Duma Boko announced on Saturday during the taking of oath of office by Justice Ketlogetswe.

President Boko said Justice Ketlogetswe's appointment came at an opportune moment when the country had made a commitment to uphold human rights in every action, decision, intervention and approach it undertakes.

Hence, he told the incoming Chief Justice to lead with integrity and humility as the nation expected such from him.

President Boko said Chief Justice Ketlogetswe would be leading a judiciary which was by creation an important arm of government and of the nation.

“You have become a high priest in the temple of justice,” President Boko said, adding that in his new role, he ought to rise above the ordinary and common place, as he owed loyalty to the legal profession and the nation.

He cautioned him that he would be subjected to the most intense and probing examinations by society, which he said members of the public were entitled to.

“By accepting this office you submit to all these probing and examinations,” he said.

Hence he implored him to listen to the views of all and further said while he would meet challenges, arguments and propositions in discharging his duties, he ought to apply the law.

President Boko said the Chief Justice in his duties should reflect carefully on the competing interests of the people, litigants and the society in general, adding that failure to listen to critics could stifle democracy.

Justice Ketlogetswe ascends to the position of Chief Justice having joined the Administration of Justice as a magistrate in 2001, after which he rose through the ranks to become principal magistrate.

He also served in the High Court as Assistant Registrar and Master of the High Court, and was later appointed judge of the High Court.

President Boko said the new Chief Justice had been exposed to all facets of the functions of the country's judiciary from his career which spanned over 30 years, thus making him a suitable candidate for the job.

“You have demonstrated humility. Above all the competence you have judicial temperament, you have the ability to listen to even the most unpopular,” he said.

President Boko further told Chief Justice Ketlogetswe that the nation placed confidence in him to serve well.

Apart from serving in the Administration of Justice, Chief Justice Ketlogetswe has also worked in private practice.  ENDS

Source : BOPA

Author : Bonang Masolotate

Location : Gaborone

Event : Commissioning of oath

Date : 19 Jan 2025