Resource challenges compromise Temo Letlotlo programme

09 Jan 2025

Challenges such as lack of resources continue to compromise the success of Temo Letlotlo, a programme meant to improve food security in Botswana, Mogonono extension officer, Ms Mpule Pheto has said.
She said in an interview on Sunday that amongst an array of challenges affecting effective delivery of Temo Letlotlo projects, shortage of transport topped the list, hindering smooth flow of services under the programme.
Ms Pheto said such resulted in extension officers infringing rules and regulations of Temo Letlotlo that commanded officers not to offer farmers seeds, fence among others without physical verifications of the field.
“Extension officers end up acting out of desperation; giving farmers seeds right away at the warehouse and part ways without having the required corroborations,”  
She said transport was critical in aiding officers to efficiently serve vast extension areas, adding that some farmers ended up offering transport and officers sympathising with them, mostly elders, would accept such assistance in furtherance of government service.
Ms Pheto said lack of transport, hindered production  of efficient informed field reports on hactorage planted or assistance needed by farmers, to inform a consistent database on monitoring and evaluation.
Another major challenge she said was lack of office landline or mobile phones to communicate with farmers. ENDS

Source : BOPA

Author : Keetile Bontsibokae

Location : Molepolole

Event : Interview

Date : 09 Jan 2025