Botswana to host LLDC3

17 Oct 2024

Botswana will this December 10th-13th host the 3rd United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3), in Gaborone.
According to a media statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the LLDC Conferences are convened every ten years to adopt a decade-long Programme of Action, that addresses the challenges and development needs of landlocked developing countries, as well as, explore ways of strengthening partnerships among these countries. 
The Group of Landlocked Countries constitutes thirty-two countries situated in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The first LLDC Conference, according to the press statement was held in 2003 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and it adopted the Almaty Programme of Action, (2003-2013), the second Conference took place in 2014 in Vienna, Austria, and it adopted the Vienna Programme of Action. 
The Third LLDC Conference will be held under the theme, “Driving Progress through Partnerships.” The release says the conference will among others, deliberate on the new development agenda of landlocked countries, and will cover key areas such as infrastructure development; transit policy issues; international trade and trade facilitation.
“Accordingly, the LLDC3 is expected to adopt the Gaborone Programme of Action (2024-2034), the successor to the Vienna Programme of Action (2014-2024).”
The release says Botswana currently serves as the Global Chair of the LLDC Group, having assumed this leadership role in 2022. The country’s tenure as Chair will conclude in December 2024.
Therefore, as host of the third conference, the release further says Botswana will realise a key milestone as this will be the first time that a UN meeting of this nature is hosted and chaired by an African country.
It further says this is a testament of the great value that Botswana attaches to multilateralism and global cooperation in promoting and addressing the interests of landlocked developing countries.
“The Conference will bring together an estimated four thousand delegates comprising Heads of State, government Ministers, Senior Government Officials, representatives from UN Member States Permanent Missions accredited to UN Offices in New York and Geneva, Heads of International Organisations and United Nations Agencies as well as Observers.”
The Conference will also include side Forums for Parliamentarians, civil society, youth, women leaders, and the private sector. Ends

Source : BOPA

Author : Bopa

Location : Gaborone

Event : press release

Date : 17 Oct 2024